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Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress opened January 15th, 1975


In 1981 the last scene was updatedto reflect New Year's with some of the script updated

In 1993 the last scene had a complete makeover reflecting what the house of the future (2000) would be like during Christmas


Carousel of Progress began at the 1964 World's Fair. It was then brought to Disneyland in California and Finally to WDW here in Florida


Show time - 20:45


"Now is the time" music played from 1975 to 1993. The original song from the World's Fair, A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow now plays


Walt loved this attraction. He spent much time working on it.


Depicting four eras (the 1900s, 1920s, 1940s, and "present day")



GE (January 15th, 1975 -March 10th, 1985)

Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress

Tomorrowland, Magic Kingdom


Last Scene May 1975

Last Scene May 2012




"present day"


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Big Florida Country



Carousel of Progress

Carousel of Progress - old version clip


Carousel of Progress

Carousel of Progress -  old version clip

CoP Now is the Time by Martin Smith